The institute of hotel management, is situated near the historic city of Aurangabad. The institute which is a colaboration of the TAJ group and the maulana azad education trust was established a decade ago. And now is the the most sought after institute of hotel management in asia.
The university offers two courses to its student - 1.the four year BA hons degree of hotel management and the 3 year diploma in culinary arts. They hold there admission test throughout India, Dubai and London
The institute is well equiped with all the things needed in a hotel management school. With 2 kichens and more then 5 labs including housekeeping lab etc. the buliding is very spacious and sorrounding environment is just great with lots and lots of trees making it ideal for study purposes. When I visited the campus it was so quit that it was like as if the place is made for studies only. Later I came to know that thats the case with it as it used to be a place to train the sons of the indian kings .
The hostels too are state of art with all kinds of facilitties plus its near the Naval tata stadium and sports complex. The hostels have a great gym too.
The cafeteria is really a big one which serves all kinds of food from indian to italian to the student and is open all the time.
The one classroom I visited was having all nessesary things that u want in a classroom. The library too was good and the institute has a audio visual lab too.
The best thing about the institute is that the students from the first year of there studies participate in the working of the hotel which is attached to it. Its the TAJ hotel ( a five star hotel).
The place-ments are really good too. With the average starting salary of 4lakh per annum.
For me I am lookin forward to get into the institute.
Note- these are my views and the way I saw the institute when I went there to get the application form.