Internet means computer network.its a network of networks.its a world wide web.internet sometimes simply called the Net. Internet can be formed using a connection from a computer to computer through isp.its called internet service provider. Its a global provides information through tcp/ip browsing different websites we or one can gather lots of information. So many students uses internet.through this only one can getted what information they want.now_ a_ days so many graduates and the educated pupil getting informationthrough internet only. INTERNET also defines as LAN and WAN.
LAN abbrevated as local area network.
WAN abbrevated as wide area network. Local area network means some computers connected to a providing host name one can know where the local area network be.
Wide area network means different computers connected to a different networks through different states.
A server, plays a main role through which internet connection will be provided.a global computer network provides lots of different information by a communicated network.through pendrives, usb provide connection to the internet.
Internet can be useful not only gathering information, we can make a calls from one computer to another computer, or laptops .we can send and receive photos and videos through these days no one is there without using cellphones also we can use internet through google.marriages also happening by watching brides and bridegrooms through internet. This is all my review about internet composer.