Internshala is a venture started by IIT alumni, Sarvesh Aggarwal to solve the problem of achieving internship opportunities by students, so he developed this whose motto is to provide internship to all. Here is one of their new initialisation to provide students with an Internship : -
Internshala, the worlds largest internship platform has announced the launch of Online Summer Internship Fair ( OSIF) 2017. In this fair students can secure their summer internships with the 15 biggest brands in India, like Uber, L& T, General Motors etc. The internship fair is free of cost and is open for all students, and includes profiles like engineering, management, fashion, content writing, design etc.
To know more about the fair and to participate, please enroll here ( https: // internship_ fair? utm_ source= ISP7& utm_ medium= ISP7818AMA& utm_ campaign= OSIF2017) . The fair will be live on 30th & 31st March when the students can apply to these internships.
PS - Internshala also has other full time and work from home internship opportunítíes as well. Internshala is completely free for students and all internship listed come with stipend and certificate.
Internshala Student Partner
To get better internship opporrunities do register with internshala.