Jhumpa Lahiri with her writing proves that creativity can be amongst anyone of us and refurbishes the fact that its all in the heart . An absolute classic . "An interpreter of Maladies" brings to the canvas human emotions in their candid best.
She has beautifully captured small slices of time and bound them on paper for the readers sheer reading pleasure. An honour of the Pulitzer well deserved, Jhumpa has become a cult figure of sorts. The reader is gleefully taken on a ride through the bylanes of Calcutta and the snowy roads in Boston with surprising ease, giving the rider the seat right next to where the action is happening. The writer is definitely a visual person as she skillfully makes one imagine the setting in a jiffy.
Its almost as if its a movie unfoloding in front of your eyes. The set appears. the characters are already in motion and you get a walkthrough them like the invisible man. Jhumpa Lahiri manages to ignite longdead emotions in ones soul. Feeling of pain. Separation. Longing. were never so realisitically painted as on her canvas.
A book which will make you smile. amongst that lone teardrop.