A couple of years ago I read “Interview with the Vampire” by Anne Rice. I was unfamiliar with Anne Rice. I was pretty skeptical about reading this book partly because of the fact that I wasn’t familiar with the author.
In addition to that, there are other vampire stories that are really great, the big one being Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula.’ This is a pretty big pair of shoes to fill and a lot of vampire stories can really fall short. This also played a part in my skepticism.
This is a really great book. I really enjoyed reading it. Surprisingly, I even liked it better than ‘Dracula.’ It was surprising since I expected to totally hate this book, and I thought the same when the movie. I heard Tom Cruise would be in it as Lestat and immediately thought this would be a total loser.
This story is centered on a vampire named Louis doing an interview with a reporter in the 20th century. He talks about his fear (or obsession) about death as a young man at his Civil War era plantation home in New Orleans, Louisiana. He encounters a vampire, Lestat, who gives Louis an immortal life. Louis despises it and finds that he can’t take a human life. He feeds on the blood of small animals instead. That is, until Louis and Lestat create a vampire together. You’ll have to read the book to get the details. Yes, it is well worth it. Because this is where the story takes on a twist and really develops a life of its own.
If I tried to tell you anymore about this book, I couldn’t do it justice. But I will say that this is an excellent book and I strongly recommend reading “Interview with the Vampire.” It grabs hold of you and doesn’t let go.