This is Nitin . I am a very frustrated customer of Intex, I want to inform that I have purchased Intex aqua i5 hd on 15th June 2014 . After few days the problem arises, the phone hangs, and automatically switched off in between the call and the major problem is whenever I plugged the charger, phone refused to charge. So I have decided to contact the customer service and these guys referred me to Intex Service Centers. On the very first day I have visited Daryaganj but the service center has been shifted to another location and the contact number is also wrong that has provided by customer support of Intex .
After that I have called customer support and they said they dont know the location of daryaganj as well as the contact . so I asked for the Laxmi Nagr service center location and contact number and when I called laxmi nagar service center they told me they were not dealing in Intex Phones
Then I have visited two times at Yamuna Vihar ie. Janak Infotech but they were refused to take my phone, they said come tomorrow as there were so many peoples so I have visited the service center again but they said our internet is not working so come again after few days I had decided that I have to contact customer service again but those guys told me they cant do anything . Then, I have decide to go another service center that is also in Yamuna vihar .ie. shree Communication.
They took my phone with a xerox copy of Original bill and they told me wait for half an hour . after a long wait of 2.5 hours they told me they have to submit the phone.However, I agreed . They also assured me they will confirm me on 19.8.2014, weather they will send the phone to Intex main service center or give the phone to me . So I had called them but they havent picked the call. Its really very annoying. Kindly look into this matter,
Please help