I had been using samsung phone since 5 year, everything was ok with the phone, I wanted to try onto new brand so I switch to intex as it was newly launched by that time, the features were awesome, everyone would like to have such feature phone in a very low price and being a normal person, I did the same thing . I bought the phone intex aqua, initially the phone was working properly even the camera was working so smooth, it also had some feature like soft touch which will help you in hiding any kind of scars or dark circles.
After just completing its initial 5 months, it started showing its true colour like the battery was almost dead in just 5 months it wasnt working, so I took my phone to service centre, they kept it for a month nearly, and after that it again started working properly, I was so happy getting my phone my intex back into life again, but then after using for two months the battery got damaged again . The Phone totally stopped working, was not even unable to switch it on . it was not even a year and the phone wasnt working properly specially the battery, it was the worst battery I ever had, although it was a 2000 mah battery.
since I was not having any other problem with the phone except the battery, so I thought of changing the whole battery in a go. I went to market for the battery and it was totally out of stock or you can say unavailable, so I thoght of searching through online and the same case happen, it was totally unavailable .
Later I somehow managed using the phone with some duplicate battery but unfortunately the keypad started showing problem again, it wont type the way you wish to, it sometimes got hanged up or may not even get typed even if you are forcing to.
I think intex should improve its operating system, also the hardware parts like the battery tooo, otherwise everything is perfect like if you see the model of the phone, its totally super slim and very easy to grab .
I would have never switch to other brand if I woudnt have faced such problems with intex.
Guys if anyone looking for the brand intex, I would literally say a big NO to them.