In March 1990 Gloria Estefan, her family, and her entourage were travelling in their coach when it was involved in a serious accident. The singer was severely injured, breaking her back in the process. It was a long road to recovery for her, her family and her fans. Into The Light is a personal celebration of this recovery, and I think it is one of her best albums to date. I was due to go to one of her concerts at that time, but it was cancelled due to the accident. I eventually went to see her when she had recovered. The show was brilliant.
The Album:
1) Coming Out Of The Dark. This song relates to Gloria actually coming out of a coma. Part of the song says: Starting again is part of the plan, and Ill be so much stronger holding your hand. Excellent https://lyrics.
2) Seal Our Fate. This is a dance track in which she sings: Gotta to think about the future cause today will be soon gone. This shows her at her pre-accident best. This is my favourite track because of her dance routines.
3) What Goes Around. In this song she sings: Dont you underestimate this girl. This relates to her determination to get back to full fitness.
4) Nayibs Song. Her son Nayib was the inspiration for this track. Her subconcious mind was telling her to get well for her family. She sings: Dont know what to tell you cause its all such bad news.
5) Remember Me With Love. This track is a ballad for her family.
6) Heart With Your Name On It. This is for her husband, Emilio.
7) Sex In The 90s. I think this relates to extending family ties, and having fun.
8) Close My Eyes. Another ballad. This must be about what she saw when in the coma.
9) Language Of Love. This is about talking, touching and loving, as part of family communications.
10) Light Of Love. In this track she sings: Simple dreams created by the passion, in a place Id never been before. Again this is about family love.
11) Cant Forget You. Being blinded by the light of your love. This is part of the track and is about her husband helping to get her well.
12) Live For Loving You. This relates to Gloria being alive and thinking of life.
13) Mama Yo Cant Go. I think this is about not dying and therefore striving for life.
14) Desde La Oscuridad (Coming Out Of The Dark) - Spanish Version.
15) Dont Wanna Lose You - Portuguese Version.
16) Words Get In The Way. I think this must be if she dies and her husband starts to see someone else. Overall, this album reflects how important families are in helping someone overcome tragedy.