How to Start a Bussiness and how to earn money by Cheating Lacks of Investors, we should learn from the Managing Director Mr.Massod, because lacks of Investers are on the road, many peoples are committed suicides, but Mr.Masood is enjoying the happenings like a movie, sitting some were in Bombay.
Pocketing the Govt, lawyers, and police, he is doing the Business very good, we the Investor to learn from him, he shroud get a masters Degree from the Govt of India and he should be recommended for Lectrurs to IIM, IBM, IISC, like Institutions, how to do Bussiness, to create a history, by doing Bussiness through the poor and retired, old and helpless Investors, and how to promises them and make them to believe the Bussiness and make money out of that, but he forget that God is their for the poor Investers, but everything will happened lately.
He for get the days nearing to close the entire episode so friends, learn How to do Business next time, and Before your Investments think Massod and do Business.