Came across this site,, and was amazed at my ability, at how good I am !!!
Hey folks !!! Dont get me wrong, am not saying that I developed it :))
Just that, never thought Finance could be so simple and interesting.
Me, am an MBA from IMT -Ghaziabad, but still, I know as much of Finance as Ganguly knows about Batting these days.
All you need to have is a proper Internet connection, and voila !! you could be a Fin man in a couple of hrs, know all about Stocks and Options and Portfolio management in just a week !!
For the more inclined, theres a Simulation game, wherein you can manage your own portfolio.
The website is , really really vast and would be very helpful for one and all, especially for those who are doing some course related to Finance / Accounts.
( No wonder, Harvard praises this as the best website dealing with the world of geeks, sorry finance.....chec out at )
Also, for those of you who are really interested, heres another site you should check out if you are interested in online learning -
Well folks, thats from me, Wishing you a Happy Fi(nance)shing !!