I have listened to this album in full many times and each time ive had to edit my opinion, .
first id like to clarify a few things about michael
1, he has had success throughout the 90s. 2, the reason hes white is from a skin desease he suffers from (vitilligo)
3, he is not a TOTAL freak, ( although the plastic surgery hes had doesnt help my case)
and he still has it!, hes still brilliant!.
some reviewers dont like this album only because of whos names on the cover, not many gave this album a chance.
but once you listen to it a few times you can feel the magic!.
its michaels first album since 1995 and it proves that good things come to those who wait.
people act as if the only success mikes ever had has been thriller and they judge him on that, I think its only fair to judge his new music with mikes more recent albums ( dangerous, history)
The album is a sound mix between slow ballads and fast pop music.
the main fault in the album is the length (77 minutes) not too many albums can stay interesting for that long.
had quincy jones been the co producer with michael jackson it probably wouldve been cut to a 10 song album featuring:
unbreakable: heartbreaker : invincible: you rock my world:butterflies:2000 watts:cry: whatever happens: and threatened.
these songs sound crisp, and computerised, and michaels vocal performance is absolutely brilliant!like in dont walk away.
but it has too many time consuming songs like break of dawn, heaven can wait, speechless, u r my life, and the lost children and even these appeal to many, because they are quality songs too.
if it was cut to 10 you can bet it would be a huge success!, but the 6 b side songs shouldve been cut for a shorter more explosive album. but plenty of the new albums that are out by people like usher have the same problem with the time consumption.
it features r.kelly, baby face and biggie.
the most notable songs are you rock my world, unbreakable, invincible, whatever happens and threatened.
it is a mix between dangerous and history.
so far it has sold 10 million albums without promotion showing that the king has got a firm grip on his crown!.
Song Ratings:
Unbreakable: 9
Break of dawn: 5
heaven can wait:6
You rock my world: 10
butterflies: 8
speechless: 6
2000 watts: 7
u r my life: 7
privacy: 6
dont walk away: 9
Cry: 8
The lost children: 6
whatever happens: 9
Threatened: 8
this could be the end of a particularly horrifying nightmare,
it isnt its just the beggining.
if it was cut to 10 songs it would be a super album insted it is padded with b siders, but that shouldnt stop people buying it for the 10 brilliant songs.
after originally underatting dont walk away and many of the others songs, id like to say, maybe heartbreaker and unbreakable shouldve been scrapped.
jackson is still brilliant!, maybe if I was a little older I would like his slower songs (im only 16).
but the best of it is the majority,
at the moment, Invincible is slumping in the charts, thats been so ever since the promotion stopped. a new single is to be released with a grounbreaking clip that should ressurect this album, for thoes who never knew invincible exsisted. in Britan, Invincible sits at no 84 in the charts, an unexpected return, if he releases another single, it could be big, and people may forget that it started off insuccessfull