A seller on ioffer.com is a total rip off! Buyers beware. Cynthia Beaman was the name of the seller. This may be a common name, it may even be the sellers made up name. So I apologize to any Cynthia Beamans out there that are legitmate sellers.
I purchased a bag from her and the transaction went well. So I thought. I received my item timely, but she charged my card twice. Thinking it was a reasonable mistake, I contacted the seller and she would not respond. I took the issue up with ioffer and they did nothing. I then went through paypal since that is the method I used to pay. However Paypal also was not able to get a hold of her. She did not respond to any of their emails either and for all we know she is conducting business under a fictitious name and doing the same. Please dont be a victim of this double-charging swindler.