I went to ioffer to look for a dvd i found it but the seller didnt send invoice needed to purchase even after i sent eamils and tried to contact him in the end he blasted me and then turned around and said i was a non paying buyer.
I didnt honor my purchase i contacted support for help you can forget that your on your own. But they did manage to send me a warning that if i kept not honoring purchases thay would close my account please do they just took this guys word for it and i was a bad boy.
I will say that after looking again i found another seller who was so prompt and courteous wish i had found her first .also its a confusing store i did wind up buying the dvd from someoe else i havent received it yet .so cant comment on that hope all goes well with that .would i go back to i offer / if they had something i couldnt find elsewhere yes its like anything else some good some bad but in doing business you expect always good .on i offer deepnds on who you deal with the guy i finally bought dvd from was 123 and done the other guy was two days and nothing, and if you post a bad rating for him he does the same to you kinda childish.