Every people seeking to get know which operating system is the best to buy here is the answer with pros and cons of both operating systems.
lets talk about android first
android is very much friendly and more customable than ios you will be get more freedom in android than ios.If we come to the price range you will be get low budget and high budget both kind of android devices but in ios that is actually impossible. As android is more customable you can root the phone and flash custom roms which is actually impossible in ios.
Lets talk about ios
ios is actually apple os which will be get with apple devices only. As compared to Android ios is very much premium and the os is more stable than android.In ios you wont feel any lag while using ever, it is completly lag free os but in android we have to face sometimes some lags.I have to consider apples optimisation is very much great and the qwality is very premium. If we talk about update ios is the clear winner because they give latest updates for all of their devices at the same time but all android phones do not get recent updates except nexus devices.