The ’unlimited’’ is just an eye-wash, the actual download limits of data are very less......100, 300 MB etc....considering the fact that a visit to an average website like Hotmail or Yahoo to check your emails will swallow up at least 1 MB with all the graphics and flash, multi-media and other stuff that are embedded in almost all the web-pages.
If you are a serious surfer or downloader and download mp3s, software, images etc.... the allowed limit will be over in a day ....thats the real truth of the matter, so dont get fooled.........check the amount of data transferr restrictions placed by the ISP, thats the key !
Standard ISPs throughout the World give unlimited downloads at 128 kpbs at a fixed rated of about $20 per month (Rs 900) and dont meter each and every byte like as if people are downloading gold !