I Had requested and paid for a service from Iqara. And from the day they received the cheque it was a very unprofessional service from these guys. Even after a month I did not get any service (all this inspite of at least a couple of calls every day for 3 weeks), coming to home leaving all important work because these guys just lie and tell their people at your place for connection. Later they just start cutting the phone calls as they ran out of all the reasons.
These people are frauds. They say they will call in 10/15/30 min. and never call. None of the people from their regular field sales guys to their leads and the person who heads the office, as they dont have any business sense to acknowledge the complaints.
I even went to think to an extent that whether there is really a company called Iqara exists or not as I had called these guys thro a reference and paid the check then and there only. I did not do any research about other service providers.
This is in Pune. I am not sure about other areas.
Have some feedback for people who are using the service from other service providers. I am yet to get the refund back. For people who are busy and value the time, its just not worth dealing with these people.