Hello all, The critic is here once again.Unlike Powersurfer , Iqara is one ISP not for snails! Iqara with a international origin and a wide customer and support base really is a ISP to look out for but.........its for the Elite! Iqara is way way expensive. Do not venture out buying the connection for Iqaras great presentations and being lured by the seductive gals in the demo coaxing you to Please Please Please Sir..buy the connection and all the wining done by them.Ok I fell for it....but you always learn from your mistakes.First lets see what Iqara has to offer.So here goes the list of Packages-:
Package Type Months MBs Rupees
== == = = ===
Iqara Economy 1 Unlimited 3 150 425
Iqara Economy 3 Unlimited 3 300 750
Iqara Economy 5 Unlimited 3 500 999
Iqara Advantage 2 Unlimited 6 2000 3999
Iqara Advantage 3 Unlimited 6 3000 4999
Iqara Delight Unlimited 1 Unlimited 1350
Seems fine ryt?But its not.Well to understand how iqara loots you you must understand how ISPs work.ISPs too buy Internet Connection from other large ISPs located abroad or nationally.In India VSNL & Reliance supply 24 hours link to major isps like BSES, HCL, MTNL etc.However Iara buys Link from Netwest Internet Services, LA via satellite communication.They provide Iqara Internet connection on the basis of DTS(Data Transfer Speed) and NOT DTV(Data Transfer Volume), becasue no modern ISPs provide DTVs today.With a 2mbps connection per area Iqara spreads this connection across 200 etc homes.Speeds get affected ryt?No not at all here comes the hitch.........Iqara because of its MB packages convince MB Concious customers to download lesser and hence providing great speeds with just 2 mbps.
This is their game plan!So you see we pay for the wrong things @ Profit of Iqara.However as cusotmers we cant do much but hope for the best.The first 3 economy packages are Disastrous.Common Can 150, 200, 500 Mb last for 3 months if you are aware of the fact that you can download from the internet?Even if you surf at hotmail each images in hotmail are not less than 40-50 kb including all the rich multimedia content offered like flash etc which end up consuming atleast 1 mb for a visit over that you if visit hotmail atleast 50 times over 50 mb are sucked up.So that package are totally worthless.In iqara you end up paying atleast 2 Rs./mb which is costlier than most other ISPs.Over that Iqara is the only Mb-Based ISP who counts mbs being uploaded too and we are all aware that upload ratio at an average is 20-40% of you downloads so you end up paying more and more.Wondering what the astrix sign is?SALES TAX! oh yes I forgot to mention the side expenses-: Sales tax-: Varying from Rs.34-180(Depepnding on Package) Wiring-: rs.1000/- Installation-: rs 1950 Lan Card-: rs 1500-4000/- All these expenses are incurred while buying an Iqara Package.What about the unlimited?Even more worse......You must check out for all the hidden costs while going for this package which bombards you like atom bombs.Not only do you have to pay for all the above mentioned side expenses but also Rs.1000/- for Special Wiring god only knows what, Rs 8000/- for the Modem and oh not to forget Rs.1350/- per month and also that stubborn 12% Sales Tax! If you consider all the factors Expense outweighs performance and speeds.Iqara sucks all the juice out of surfing and make you remind you every time ur on the Net that how much MBs are being used.I know a guy who used all his mbs in a day! He dint download anything major 7-8 songs went to some flash sites and dowloaded a s/w and he payed 500 bux for dat!Are you willing to shed 500 bux just for a day?If yes Iqara!. Iqaras good speeds are just not good enough for the heave expenditure incurred.Its more pofitabe to use Dial-up then using Iqara. Best of Luck! Let me know your comments.
Unlimited Package: Rs 1200
Installation: 1000
Wiring: 1000
Modem: 4000
Money left in your wallet: Priceless
There are somethings money shouldnt buy, for anything else please use.....