The advantages of joining IQVIA:
Cheap Company with cheap employees!
Incompetent Managers, Even worse and Inefficient Directors and Senior Directors are appointed who want the employees below them to satisfy their ego alone
Extremely Rude, Impolite HR professionals with absolutely no skills in handling concerns, in fact they confidently provide misinformation to employees about Corporate Laws
No ethics, no principles, all sorts of illegal methods are resorted to, in work scenarios and Appraisal scenarios
Lot of Show Off and Elitist culture is displayed on the top layer, from within its pathetic and disgusting, and Inhuman!
Dialogue by Senior Director ( Head-Technology Delivery) during office Event: My wife tells me its very difficult to stay and adjust with me, but my subordinate is always adjusting with me. If I ask my subordinate to jump out of window, he will just blindly do it as its me instructing it.
The truth is this very Senior Director screams and shouts at his subordinate Director at the workplace, which is heard by every other employee. Must be embarassing for the poor Director, but thats the culture unfortunately inside the company.
Dialogue by Associate Director when female employee gets married: This particular lady employee is just gonna leave her job now that shes married! ( Assume by themselves, whether employee wants to leave job, in an entire team call)
Dialogue by lady Manager: My daughters male friend speaks to her as "is your p still bleeding? " Hope the context is clear, this lady manager finds absolutely no offence in such a comment by her daughters male friend, but if an employee asks her priority order to accomplish tasks, she back answers as "we cannot tell like that right, we have to complete all tasks together"! Clearly out of mind, stressed and unable to handle the position!
To be an employee of this company, you dont need to possess coding skills like CPP, Java, Python, Dot net or Oracle Database SQL and PLSQL. The Skills you need to possess are: Boot-licking, always answering as yes-yes to your manager and seniors, Never questioning anything and never pointing out any scope of improvement because "Ego factor"! Theres absolutely no Flexibility here in terms of actual work, you have to mandatorily follow what your boss is telling you, and you cannot optimise any work here. If a task takes 10 minutes and you are able to suggest a new technique for doing it in 1 minute, they will not consider your optimization technique at all. In fact theyll frown upon you for being able to provide that solution because they can charge the project owners for 10 minutes instead of 1 minute. Thats their idea, stay on lower side in terms of work.
Disclaimer: 10 minutes and 1 minute are just examples, the actual timelines are charged in hours in the company, for billing purposes.
- Internal Politics is present definitely which doesnt appear on the outside, so environment feels safe from top layer but internal politics is extremely dangerous in this company.