Irctc online ticket booking service is making banks earn commission. After the money is deducted, irctc never responds and the transaction fails. We lose the commission taken by bank. Customers, please go the nearby railway station and book your tickets. You will simply waste time and money if you try irctc online service.
Very clever way of making money, and encourage touts. We had been on a pilgrimage and we had to book tatkal for our return journey. We went the night before at 10pm and started waiting for the counter to be opened at 8 am the subsequent day. One tout (who is none other than the parking area incharge) came and told you give additional amount equal to tatkal amount, your ticket will be 100% booked. We were not interested in that.
In the meantime the railway security person in duty came and told he is the number one person in the queue and we are number two. Wrote his name in a piece of paper and our name next and asked us to maintain the list. He happily went off. Morning one smart agent (who belongs to their gang) came and police told that agent will stand for him! Comfortable he booked all the tickets he wanted and we were attended to after that!
Police, ticket booking staffs all are in the gang. Excellent security to the public! Corruption in every nook and corner of our country. God, please save us!