I wanted to write my concerns about using the irctc.co.in website for making railway reservations. Everytime I try to book a ticket online it is a marathon effort. It will have try atleast 5-6 times to make a successful booking. The very popular message that I get is "Unable to retrieve due to communication failure". This message can come during any stage of your booking. I must be a really lucky customer to go through everything at one shot. Also the site is always slow irrespective of the time that I try. I understand the load on the site will be high. But railways being a very big organization should put some effort in setting this site live and active. This initiative of booking tickets online is most welcomed and I am sure this would have generated tons of revenue to railways compared to the traditional way of standing in the queue early morning to book tickets. So please take some action on this valuable initiative and make it useful to the customer. I am writing this in the interest of the railways and to make the very useful iniative of booking tickets online a grand success. Good luck!!!