IRCTC has made the world so easy for travellers, frequent movers and distant workers. Its easy and very user-friendly app and in not more then 10 minutes, the account is ready for use.
Im have to move frequently to different purposes and this app serves me a great deal. It has been more then 2 years thenI have vusited a Railway station solely for the purpose od Ticket Booking. It saves a lot of time and unnecesaary harrassment. Its not much complicated app and my dad uses it without any hassle.
I preferably use three app for the purpose of ticket booking. I use NTES to check real time train status thus knowing the exact location of trains before and during journey. Next I use IRCTC for ticket booking and lastly I use PayTm for payment purpose. Using PayTm saves some cents or even if you dont you can finally cherish some random offer from the its list.
Overall, it serves a great deal for me and hope it does for most of you.