While I was trying to check the status of a train , I came across the banner on irctcs website saying that flight tickets can be booked with 10% discount on FULL fare as opposed to BASE fare that is generally given. I got lured into checking the rates and found a difference of 4-500 Rs as compared to other websites.To top it up , 10% discount or 500Rd which ever is less meant that I was going on for a deal 1000 Rs cheaper!
I ended up booking the ticket quite fast. Soon I realised that there was a change in plan and had to cancel it. To my surprise the website doesnt support cancellations! I called up their customer care and they informed me that I needed to contact the airlines directly for cancellation. I did that and got the ticket cancellations. th airlines however wouldnt give me a confirmation of cancellation formally and said that I needed to obtain it from irctc. I called up irctc again and they said that they were unable to see the ticket cancelled. I called up the airlines again to enquire and they re-confirmed. On tracking the pnr status of the airline , the status still showed LIVE! So much to cancel one ticket! I shied away from this website and chose to pay extra bucks and booked via other websites.
When I enquired about the cancellation charges being deducted from the cash back offer price , the executive came up with an additional hidden clause.It stated that since I had booked the ticket and cancelled in a few minutes , the cash back would be applicable!
Overall read the terms and conditions carefully before booking