DISCLAIMER: I do not follow DC Comics/Marvel/Avengers. I went to the movie to kill time. I realized it was not half bad. This is a candyfloss comment on the movie than the cliché’ plot revealer. There are many other reviews out there for plots. Are you not a comic fan? You ll still enjoy this super hero genre.
Cast & Character /Crew:
Director – Jon Favreau - niche job!
Robert Downy Jr. (Tony Stark/Ironman) – a multimillionaire – bequests the "Stark industries" - the creator of weapons to save U.S.A.
Glimpse into TONY:
Pepper(his assistant) says about a company that is overpriced – Tony wants to buy it.
A police officer doesn’t want to drink – Tony gets him the best drink on earth.
CIA asks him not tell anyone that he is Ironman, he calls the Press and announces it.*
This Tony loves his life! A sooper brain/ a harmless philander enjoying all he wants. Our Tony is street smart and an out of the box thinker. He is the lime light of every party and can also put a menacing magazine reporter (Leslie Bibb) – who asks about his companys responsibility in killing people – in his bed! Until, he finds out he has been helping the wrong deeds during his visit to Afghanistan, where his arms are used like toys. He decides to stop creating weapons and worj for the good. Yet, not agreed by his own men who have had the taste of success :) He eventually becomes a plaintiff of his own severe – he is filed for indignation and thrown out of his own company as per the board of directors. Though!! Doesn’t shatter a cow lick of his poise Similar to Steve Jobs? There gives birth to IRONMAN.
*Tony : “Like to be Feared or respected? Is it too much to ask for both?”
Ironman** – *a disparate super hero with AI injected to avoid shrapnel entering his heart and the ability to fly/titanium body and fame throwers with cell phone facility :) …technical advancement! As smart as a whip and a savior. Car freak; Gizmo freak; A Scientist, the world has to look high upon. Has not lost passion for glory.
Gwyneth Paltrow (Virginia Pepper pots) – Clean, soft spoken and dignified. Tony’s assistant who does the dry cleaning to picking trash to guarding Tony’s heart in a glass casket. Mutely - Tony’s admirer turns out, feeling is mutual from TONY too! Tony’s confidant. Hates job hunting :)
Pepper: Whats going on here?
Tony *: Lets face it, this is not the worst thing youve ever caught me doing. Imagination at work- watch ta movie :)
Lesslie Bibb – (Christine Everhart, Vanity Fair magazine) – A sizzling beauty that loves to tarnish Tony. Christine: Tony Stark! Christine Everheart, Vanity Fair magazine
Tony: Hi, yeah okay, go.
Christine: Mr. Stark, youve been called the Da Vinci of our time; what do you say to that?
Tony: Absolutely ridiculous, I dont paint.
Christine: What do you say to your other nickname, the Merchant of Death?
Tony: Thats not bad.
Terrence Howard - Air Force Lieut. Colonel (Jim Rhodes) – abets Tony by covering all the mishaps happening at Stark’s and with Stark by telling the paparazzi that it was a training project.
Afghani physician (Shaun Toub) - Saves Tonys heart by avoiding the shrapnel from traveling to his heart through EXIDE Car batteries and the electro magnetic flux theory.(Proves the I.Q. statistics :) )
I don’t want to write about the bad people in the movie. I don’t like them. I don’t want to know about them.Yet, an FYI: There are fanatics who want Tony to build the Jherico missile for them and IRONMAN’s foe who sell Stark weapons to the rebels. The story more or less spins around this premise.
Few things about the movie:
Very much about a super hero coming out for rescue.
Gadget freaks – do watch this movie. His house – a vision! Stands high on the corner of California with the most expensive gizmos to make his life subtle. The Frosted glass, the wood flooring, the view from the window is all ethereal!
The fountain amidst the dark room with flimsy lighting stands for frailty and sounds soundless. There is a pinch of artificiality but, still enjoyable.
His garage-his workshop-his laboratory is so filled with trash and all the sufi gadgets from the device to avoid shrapnel from entering his heart (through electro magnetic theory) till the IRON MAN he creates that has Micro-Rocket Launcher, stealth technology, flame thrower, gatling guns, repulsors and how to avoid freezing your suit once u move out of the safe atmospheric zone.
We can catch the ingenious Tony trying to create better versions of IRON MAN suit which was first created at Afghanistan when he was held captive with pieces of trash at a CAVE to flee free back to the USA. But, never could succeed in safe landing :) Also, pulling off stunts like Johny Bravo in his atelier. The douser ( a machinery) is worth watching :)
The recycle bin in Tonys touch screen laser oriented comp. is depicted well :)
Car Freaks – look at his cars. Amazing! Especially the AUDI ones(A4, A6 and DAVE). Learn about missiles – Jericho.
A super hero who has become super hero through his impressive intelligence and not through supernatural powers!
Appearance of S.H.I.E.L.D. and timing is note worthy.
I have heard that, we need to have patience to go through the credits after the movie for an intact pitch, do that. Err..I did not though :)
YUKs about the movie – NOISY, too many electric drills and racquet scenes.