We usually have to wait several weeks for a suitable Hollywood movie to come up on INOX on which there can be general consensus for us
to see. The reason as I have explained earlier is that I am not particularly interested in Bollywood movies(they give me a headache) and my wife though does watch Hollywood movies with me, but only if they do do not contain Violence, Gore, Horror, Action, Science Fiction, Wizardry, Fantasy, Robots, Chinese Martial Arts… So you see that does leave very little for us to watch. But still there is a silver lining in this scenario. Which movies fit into which category is always a matter of discussion, and I like to believe that my negotiation skills are somewhat superior to my wife’s’. Plus she is also very soft hearted, so even if after loosing a discussion, I plead sufficiently for any movie, she will more often than not accompany me to the same.
But all these equations change whenever my son is in town. My job becomes so much easier then, as his tastes match mine verbatim. The last Sunday, he had only just returned from his hostel a couple of days back and I simply had to put it in his mind that Iron Man was up and running at INOX. And without much ado I had everyone ready and in the car by 9.30 for the 10.00AM show.
There are movies and movies and then there are the Marvel Comics Superhero movies. Over the years we have seen, The Superman, Spiderman, Fantastic Four and even Ghost Rider. The One thing about Iron Man that will allow you to relate more with him is the current day background of the proxy war going on in Afghanistan.
The Plot
Tony Stark is a Billionaire Industrialist who has taken over the business from his father and with his technical brilliance taken it to even greater heights. He runs the Stark Industries that produce the latest and the most advanced weapons systems and are the main suppliers to the American Army. He lives the life of a typical spoilt playboy giving a damn to what or whom his weapons destroy as long as he gets good returns for his products.
While on a visit to Afghanistan to demonstrate some of his products, Tony stark is kidnapped by the terrorists and held in captivity. Unfortunately a lot of shrapnel from the exploding bombs has entered his body and will kill him in due course if not prevented from reaching his heart. Another prisoner in the same cave attaches an electromagnet to his chest and powers it from a car battery. This magnet prevents the shrapnel from reaching the heart and thus keeps Tony alive.
The terrorists soon place their demand for the safe release of Tony and that being the same Jericho Missile with a cluster bomb that he had come to demonstrate to the Americans. Tony agrees but under the garb of preparing a missile system secretly builds for himself an armor of Iron powered by a miniature arc reactor, which also powers the electromagnet in his body. With its help he makes good his escape, and returns to America.
However upon returning, his conscience gets the better of him and he realizes that the weapons that he is making are only spreading death and destruction in the world. He then decides to change the business line of his company. This move is not taken very kindly by the other directors including his old partner Obadiah Stane who moves to impeach him and take control of Stark Industries.
Tony Stark on the other hand decided to work for all those people that are wronged by his missiles and weapons systems in Afghanistan. He thus builds a superior version of the Iron Suit that he had used to get out of captivity in Afghanistan, and thus Iron Man is born.
But will he be able to save all those poor people in Afghanistan from the advanced weapons in the hands of the terrorists, with the help of just this suit. Will he be able to take back the control of Stark Industries. What other business prospects does he have in mind for his company if they do not manufacture the weapon systems. Who is the main villain behind the takeover and will he allow Tony to even live.
The Performances
Robert Downey Junior plays the role of Tony Stark, The Iron Man. I must admit that I was initially very apprehensive of his being able to give a convincing performance as a super hero. After all he hardly had any body, seemed too old, too spoiled and never the one with a good continence. But I must say he has perfectly suited the role of a spoiled Billionaire who then has a change of heart and turns in to the Iron Man. You might find this statement confusing, but you have to see the movie to believe me. Downey Jr has given a convincing performance and has done ample justice to the character. Come to think of it now I can hardly think of anyone else who would fit the bill. And he has already been signed for the next two sequels of this movie(along with the rest of the cast).
Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper, the efficient secretary and love interest of Tony Stark too has given a decent even if a little subdued performance. She never overacts but looks fresh and decent in spite of her age. As the Iron Mans’ only backup she never fails him even in the most critical of situations. She knows his enemies and allies well and uses them in his favor. Her performance cannot be rated as excellent but is above average.
Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stane, Tony Starks’ father’s partner and long time associate is also convincing in his portrayal. He is the second in command in Stark industries and wants control for himself. He looks very real as the evil conniving hulk. It is reported that he specially got his head shaved bald and grew a grey beard to get the exact look that was desired. And I think it has worked. He looks even more evil than some of the terrorists who seem helpless in his presence. And once inside the big Iron suit that he creates after stealing the designs of the first prototype he sure looks every bit invincible.
Terrance Howard does the part of Lt Col James Rhodes who is the main liaison between the army and Stark Industries. He is also close to Tony and likes him in spite of his idiosyncrasies. He has done a good job after a lot of study and research with the army units.
In fact all others too have done their small roles well and each one seems the best suited for the same.
Special Effects
However a super hero movie is never complete without the special effects. Whereas the movie is full of them and in fact that is one thing other than the performance of Robert Downy that drives this film, I will still list down some of the best ones.
1. The making and the final assembly of the advanced version of the suit on Tony are surely brilliant.