After being totally thrilled by The Avengers, I didnt expect exactly the same amount of greatness in "Iron Man 3", yet I still needed a solid story to keep me interested. There were two things that I was certain were going to satisfy me: Robert Downey Jr.s performance and the special effects. Granted they did not disappoint, however aside from that, I either accepted all other aspects or felt they were done in a messy fashion.
The plot consists of a terrorist called the Mandarin threatening Americas safety and teaching its president and people a lesson. After his friend Happy Hogan is put into a coma thanks to one of the Mandarins attacks, Tony vows to strike back. But after an attack from his enemy leaves him homeless and weaponless, Tony must find a way to stop his foes plans while reevaluating his troubled existence. Downey Jr. hits the ball park once again with his Stark character showing his usual playful charm, but also his vulnerability at times. The events that took place in The Avengers take a heavy toll on the character and RDJ plays it quite professionally. Other characters were sort of a bore to me with Pearces Killian as an exception. The plot once again fails to make sense, making it more comparable with the second rather than the first. Overall the film entertains and the visuals combined with the leading mans appeal make for an enjoyable time, however when it comes to the story it doesnt come close to Marvel movies like the first Iron Man and The Avengers.