This is my first review. And I have spent the entire week trying to figure out what it is all about. is a great site. It gives you the opportunity to give your unbiased opinion on products and services. Also, it brings out the writer in you. A lot of useless writers are flaunting their stuff on the site, thinking that they are Tolstoys and Shakespeares in the making.
Registering at MS is so damn simple. This site is just so cool. And like all sites they too have their sets of rules. And if you flout that and think that you are above that then you sure are going to bobbitised.
I therefore support MouthShut when it bans members.
In the past they have banned prolific writers like Suyog and Vivekbp. Suyog probably misbehaved with some members and therefore the axe fell on his b@*s. Served him right. Apart from some idiots like imran, vivekbp, net_aryan, qaidi_no_786, criticalanalysis, thebiggeststar, vengeance were all knocked out cold.
This fellow suyog started a hate MS campaign. Idiot, if you are reading this understand one thing ? you got a free platform. If you misbehave you will gets your nuts chopped off.
I hope they ban cool_tanmay, diver and juggernaut.