Satriani is a Guitar God.
I had a chance to catch his concert last week in Bombay.
A sheer genius, the guitar fluidity and stamina leaves one spellbound.
His ninth album Is There Love In Space ? is Satrianis return to basics, throwing away the electronic sounds he experimented in previous releases. This one is his return to roots reminding one of his early work in Surfing with the Alien and Crystal Planet, the approach here is more rock oriented with solid riffs and melodic tones.
Is There Love In Space ? is largely instrumental as expected , some vocals on Lifestyle and I Like The Rain..
Many people feel that such albums are mostly for people who are guitarists but my friend who listens to mostly Hindi film music loved this album.
The only catch here is that you really have to listen to this album carefully to understand , the music starts making sense...everything falls into place.
The level of guitar work, speed, technicality, intensity, melody is high quality stuff as
The title track Is There Love In Space ? does have a spacey hollow feel to it with over use of wah wah and tremelo.
The opening track oddly titled Gnaahh is real funky.
Souls of Distortion has a nice solid riff.
Just Look Up and If I Could Fly have a nice warm feel to them.
Searching is a real chunky heavy track.
Up in Flames
Hands in the Air
Is There Love in Space?
If I Could Fly
Souls of Distortion
Just Look Up
I Like the Rain
Overall Is There Love In Space” is an awesome, creative and technically brilliant CD from one of the best rock guitarist alive.
This one is highly recommended by me to music lovers of any genre.