I am totally disappointed about the offers that Home Town claims sabse anokhe offers. In this age, how can some company assume that the customers are dumb and can be fooled easily.
None of their offers make any sense.
Mattress pe Bed free. - You add the price of bed to matress and then come up with this offer. House full has same offer on same product, they say bed pe mattress free. Atleast here they are not playing with words. BTW the matress is not a branded matress and there in house production. No comparison with branded matresses
Mirror pe Basin free - Hold on. They say that particular mirror is not available so no such offer is valid. Then why did you put these ads all over city and in many newspapers. BTW looking at other mirrors in there store, it shudnt be costing more than 2000(which is a much inflated price anyways). And they have same type of basin in 1101. So then where is the offer part.
Shoe rack from 499. - Hold on. That shoe rack is not available. Even the salesman hasnt seen it. So forget it.
I have seen customers arguing a lot at the counter. You are sure to get one feeling of cheating while leaving the mall. Dont fall prey. Offers are not even worth 20rs that you pay for parking - leave the time and cost you bore for driving all the way.