There are sex thrillers and there are psycho thrillers. Ishq Junoon is a hybrid of the two, which exists in a very strange territory. But it’s more funny-strange than scary-strange. And most times, right-out weird. In the film, orphans are adopted as house helps. A grown woman makes love to two teenage boys. A lingerie sniffing pervert who only speaks in a baritone. A steroid-laden loverboy whose idea of a threesome is not a planned/chance encounter, but marriage. And since we’re on the subject, Ishq Junoon, which has been promoted as ‘India’s first threesome film’, has no threesomes in it. None! There’s one that happens in a dream sequence and that’s it.
The movie had its posters burnt for promoting threesomes and hurting national morals. They shouldn’t have, because the view the film takes of the ménage à trois is so dark, promoting the idea is the last thing that it does.