"Islam" is a word of Arabic derived from the word SALAMA means peace. The Question is, If Islam means peace, Why Folks are believing Islam as a religion of terrorism!
We need to Think for it clearly. We have to find the causes? Why Islam is considered as religion of terrorism by many people? Is there any teaching that promotes terrorism, war etc.
Lets see first, What Islam says about Terrorism and killings of innocents:
First of all:
In Quran Allah says, If any one kills a man, it is equal to killing all humanity. If any one saves a life of any human is equal to saving all humanity. Then How does Islam promotes Killing of innocent people.
In the above verse there is general declaration, that any one kills any one in spite of the religion of the victim. So killing a person belonging to any religion is a great sin in Islam.
Now lets solve the question, Why a terrorist uses the name of Allah. We need to think about it.
Actually, You all already know that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Despite the activities done by the terrorists against Islam. CNN, BBC and other media sources have reported that Islam is the fastest growing religion over the world. So all of the people, who are jealous to Islam dont want to see Islam spreading very fast. So they are working actively.
They have made institutions to invite Islamic youth, to relate verses and Ahadith to them, that they are doing Jahad. Let us join, every killer after his death will go to Jannah. So the simple youth gets impressed and starts doing it. Sometimes the policy makers also do it by using their own team.
Never listen to any one who speaks about Islam without research. There is no Islamic terrorism. All terrorism is done by the people who are jealous to Islam. They are just using the name of Islam.
So We also should be aware of these people. Always be very polite and kind to all.