I was referred to this hospital by my senior colleague in my hospital, I am a doctor came from thrissur. I was trying to conceive from 2002 and tried almost 5 times, twice in cimar fertility kochi, twice in sunrise kochi, once in womens centre then landed up here. I was initially charged for basic tests completely. Then they did an advanced semen test Casa here and found motility factor and they froze my husband sample. I was given hormone injections daily they told me, they charged me totally 1. 6 lacs completely altogether, including hormone injection and all procedure fees, they told me I was used German injection for ovulation induction. I did in last month. Chief doctor Chandralekha told me that I developed 8 embryos, they froze 5 and transferred 3. They gave a full emotional support during transfer, particularly Dr.bhuvana madams secretary in ivf lab. Today got my result and was told as positive. For freezing they charged me 15000 for minimum period. Earlier I faced 2 cycle postponement because of slow growth in kochi and womens centre. This time the protocol was planned comparing my earlier failed cycle protocol. I was so anxious everyday waiting for my result. Particularly my husband and my mom totally stood beside me. I cannot forget this day. A special thanks to Dr.Karima Dr.Kavitha Dr.Deepa and Dr. Chitra who took care of me completely. I would sincerely pray The Lord for making me to see the result positive. I am planning to go to my hometown thrissur and continue check up in jublie mission hospital with my chief for ANC there itself. I sincerely pray for people like me to get successful result. I was told by the fellow members that during last month they got 60 percent success who underwent procedure that time. They asked me to take thrice weekly hcg injection till review.