We went to Iswarya fertility center for IVF procedure and the Dr xxxxxxxx initially gave us a lot of hope by false promises. Trust Me this is not a hospital these are people with Mask and rob couple who are trying for a child.
This is doctor is so experienced in cheating patients. let me tell how the hospital works. no records will be shown to the patients even though you pay for it.no transperancy in bills I was charged aroung 1 lakh 40 thousand of money just for the procudure which includes hormone injections and embroyo transfer and another 50 thousand for the room rent and other medcines.
The expense is not the issue here. let me explain what is the problem she has four hospitals in chennai, palani, coimbatore, madurai. she is the only specialist in all these four hospitals and rest are junior doctors.she does IVF batches in separately in all four centers at the interval of three days so the pick up is not done xxxxxxxxx only the transfer is done by her and she hardly has any time to look into the patients records before doing the procedure.
I was intially told the amount can be paid in two installments when I paid the full amount I was given a bill for only 50000 when we enquired about this they worte in blank white paper as full amount 140000 was paid imagine that was the recipt for us. anyway we did not worry as we wanted to have our own child. this was the first mistake.
Let me explain the Pain I went through
First my wife was done with hystoscopy by a junior doctor and she did a BNC also
after she was kept on progynova tablets to get the correct periods to start the harmone injections.then started the problem she had bleeding midway through the month and only the junior doctors kept on treating her and finally even the day before the hormone injections was suppose to be started she had bleeding issues. so we asked the doctors will there be any problem if so we can start the injections next month the doctors kept assuring us saying this does not have any effect so we went head with the treatment. that was the Second mistake.
Then we came to know the pick up will be done by Dr yyyyyyyy as xxxxxxxxxx will not be there this was not informed to us earlier. then came the D day we had the shocker of the life on the day of transfer my wife told she will be having the transfer she was patiently waiting from the afternoon till 11.30 Pm in the night(any infertlity couple will tell you the stress on that day)and she was taken to the ART LAB for the procedure I was waiting patiently outside suddenly I was called inside and I was enquired by xxxxxxxxxx stating what was the her egg growth on day 10 ( they never give any information to patient and they asked us) she just told my wife did not have a proper eggs so only 1 embroyo is mature and if you want I can transfer or we can start the procudure again from the beginning. she did not even have a courtesy on how to break this to my wife she was fully dressed up and taken to the lab and then she was sent out and both us was were stranded outside and the doctor left inside for next patient. there was not even junior doctor who told why this happened and what needs to be done. my wife broke down emotionally. I had the bloody angriest day of entire life.after some time we came to reality and called her out and I asked her how many cells where embryo and that was good or not. she told one is good we can transfer.
This was the third mistake.
We got the xray of the embroyo two days after and that was two cell embryo when asked about duty doctor said this was xray mistake. I know the results from that point on. so I started counseling my wife to prepare of the worst.
Then I did extreme research and found out only 6 to 8 cells ( Day 3) where supposed to be transferred that has some best chances this doctor
did not inform any of this as she has to go to the next center for IVF batch there.
Please be careful in choosing this hospital any patient who got pregenat here is by luck and not the treatment of this doctor. please share your worst experience with Iswarya center so that patients can be aware of this cheating hospital