WARNING: Dont waste money . efforts. . n most importantly emotions at iswarya. Promises made by iswarya staff especially dr xxxxxxxxx . are all farce .
They claim 70 to 80% success in the ivf / icsi treatment . but believe u me . Its only 5 to 10% . There is nothin great about the treatment at iswarya . Moreover nothing is transparent there . Reports r not diclosed . There is utter confusion in wat they do n disclose . My icsi cycle failed twice at iswarya . N what was more heartening is tht all wrng info was given to me n my husband . initially dr xxxxxxxxx said tht 3 embryo have been transfered n 4 were frozen . after my cycle failed I was told only 2 had been frozen .which were transferred in the fet cycle . n after that fet cycle failed I was told . tht only 1 embryo was transferred . these people at iswarya . especially DR xxxxxxxxxx are big liars n highly unprofessional . they claim high success rate inorder to fool needy childless couples .
N extract max money frm them . even proper medical bills are not given . I am sure DR xxxxxxxxxxx is not paying the correct incometax to govt .i appeal to all childless couples . tht believe in god . only he can help us . not these fraud fertility clinics . atleast not ISWARYA n DR xxxxxxxxxxx