After huge bestselling success ofFew things left unsaid andThats the way we met, Mr. Sudeep Nagarkar is back with his new romantic love fableIt Started with a friend request on a thriller suspense note. Based on the current youth generation relationship tales, the book unveils a story of Akash and Aleesha who meet in a disco. The two get talking, and soon exchange their BBM Pins. They feel the warmth of their friendship and fall for each other. Their relationship goes through up and downs but they face it defeating all the odds. Then atwisted climax arrives and it gives a havoc of a challenge the pair has to go through .
Mr. Sudeep has definitely worked on the narration, and that is done beautifully that it sets you in a mood to keep reading the book and keep flipping the pages. Whether it is the friendship or it is the scenes between the characters, Mr. Sudeep has played a masterstroke when it comes to the narration and dialogues. He has kept the suspense of the plot at the very climax so it is sure that the readers will get amused when the finish off. The biggest achievement of Mr. Sudeep is that he has made this story so unpredictable that you cant just get over the book so easily.
What could have been an improvement though was the language. The language feels pretty childish at times and it dozes you off the script.The plot doesnt have thatnovel depth until the secrets unveil at the end. This book couldve been done much better. There was so much room for improvement. Overall it is a decent book. A good short length and perfect for travelreading times book.
If youre damn romantic, you should not miss out on this! But for content wishers, I will say, this was a one time but a good read!