Located within Italy San Marino is the world’s oldest republic(301 A.D.). And holds the world’s oldest continuous constitution.
Italy is the largest producer of wine in the world.
Galileo’s middle finger is on display at a museum in Florence, Italy.
Italy is home to the largest number of unesco world heritage sites with 50.
In Italy there is a submerged bronze statue of Jesus Christ of 2.5 meters tall.
Poveglia is an island in Italy that is so dangerously “Haunted”. That public access is not permitted.
In Milan, Italy it’s a legal requirement to smile at all times except during funerals or hospital visits.
A man can be arrested in Italy for wearing a skirt in public.
It is illegal to die in falciano del massico(A small town in Italy) because the cemetery is full.
500, 000 Italians visit an Exorcist every year.