ITC INFOTECH Management are more Cunning than corrupt Government Officials.
=List of things ITC Infotech does to its employees in the name of corporate governance:=
1) They promise you one thing and deliver the other.
2) Here bucketing system is ubiquitous to the core.
3) Employees are abandoned by ITC Infotech if your working in client location. They make you stranded as if you are waiting for a ship/boat/Helicopter without food /shelter for days, months or years
4) The only time managers call you is when you have not filled your time sheet.
5) They tell you ur lucky to work in ITC Infotech.
6) Management talk about big plans and goals but, finally with the hike you receive you will not be able to buy a quarter bottle of Indian Whiskey+ Soda+ Sides. The justification which they give for your appraisal will blow your mind away.
7) Sometimes when we through a coin in swimming pool filled with water we can see clearly see where the coin is but with ITC Infotech there are no transparency in dealing with employees. Even the fox may think twice to shake hands with ITC Infotech.
8) Chameleon comes second in race when compared to ITC Infotech.
9) No proper management, lack of attitude towards work and employees, laid back attitude.
10) Mangers at top level are having an honey moon trip.
11) They make employees attitude like beggars cant be choosers.
12) If you buy a book by its cover its gonna cost you very very costly.
13) They laugh like villains when you tell them your problems.
14) Very complicated and confusing offer letter by ITC Infotech. you need to appoint CS/CA/Lawyer for understanding the same.
15) Mangers wont believe there own employees when they are sick. Example:-During my appraisal meeting my manger received a call from one of his HR regarding some employee is having H1N1 virus and is admitted in the hospital and he would be on leave for some days. The response which my manager conveyed to HR made me dumb stuck to the core.
The response was:- Dont believe that employee. we need to sack these kind of employees. Idiots. 1st of all NO Humanity also no professionalism. He was also having snacks while conducting appraisal.
16) Well the list might go on. But, I would like to stop it here.