Introduction ~~
I’ve seen plenty of schemes on the net to earn cash. Cash for emails, cash for opinions, cash for surveys, cash for listening to the radio – the list goes on and on. But never had I seen a site paying cash for doing quizzes until I came across on an other opinion website. is a fairly new website and it is based in America but they do assure members that they will pay out to members outside of America. The wording on the website says “Payment of cash awards are in US money, but we are working on ways to get the cash awards easily and inexpensively transferred to our members in their own currencies.” That sounds quite good, so we might be able to get paid in pounds with a little bit of luck. Fingers crossed!
The Website ~~
So far I have been a bit disappointed with the reliability of the IPTL website but to be fair the IPTL hasn’t been up and running long, hopefully with time the reliability should improve. The problems I have experienced have been whilst doing a quiz the dreaded “This page cannot be displayed” pops up.
The website is simple and very plain. Though this isn’t really a bad thing as it makes it run quick and makes it very easy to find your way round. A bit of colour wouldn’t hurt though. There are few adverts on the IPTL website though as the popularity of IPTL increases I am sure there will be more banner adverts and pop-ups.
The Quizzes
There are absolutely loads of quizzes that you can take. The quizzes are divided up into over 14 different subjects and there are beginner, intermediate and advanced quizzes available for all the different subjects.
All of the quizzes are multiple choices and there are three choices. So you have a fairly good chance if your going to guess a question. One opinion on an opinion website said that a lot of the questions seem to be focused around the USA. From the quizzes I have taken I have to disagree with that though I have only done quizzes in 6 or 7 different subjects.
Money ~~
I have to confess to not actually knowing anyone who has been paid but as the site hasn’t been going long I doubt anyone has earned enough points to be paid yet but I will update the opinion as soon as I have been paid. IPTL pay you for the quizzes you do in points. They pay:
1 point for each attempted but wrong answer.
3 points for each correct beginner answer.
4 points for each correct intermediate answer.
5 points for each correct advanced answer.
IPTL operate a points system so your points will be worth more or less depending on how IPTL does in revenues each month. At the end of each month IPTL will calculate the amount of points you have earned during that month and then convert them into cash. So I will find out at the end of the month how much each of those points are worth, fingers crossed it isn’t $0.00000000001 or something stupid like that. Will update the opinion once I know. IPTL pay out once you have reached $20, that’s roughly £14 but remember a British bank will charge you to cash an American cheque.
Overall ~~
From what I’ve sent IPTL looks very promising. The site doesn’t seem dodgy. They did not ask for loads and loads of details which gives the impression they might be selling them. They do not say that you must refer so many members to earn cash. Though they do have a referral service which if you want to earn cash the quickest way is through referring people. Overall I like IPTL and I do not think it is a scam, fingers crossed it isn’t a scam.
Thanks for reading