++ UPDATE ++
With the coming of the end of August all the points gained by members have been converted into real cash and each member’s account has been credited with the appropriate amount.
Since 25th August 2001, the evening of my joining, I have accumulated 4, 130 cash points and these have equated to $6.64. This works out at 0.1607748 cents per cash point, which is roughly 0.1p. (one tenth of a penny)
As a rough guide 5, 000 cash points will generate $8 (about £5) so during a month a person could easily clock up 25, 000 cash points or about $40 (£25) – just for answering a few questions correctly. Verb sap!
Everyone loves a quiz so that we can show our nearest and dearest just how clever we are, but few of us ever get the opportunity to show off our knowledge prowess publicly, let alone get paid for it. The lucky few will take part in a variety of TV quizzes and quiz nights at the local pub but for the rest of us our only reward is the admiring glances at home. My son’s dog Barney thinks that I’m a genius. So fear not you clever mortals for your chance is nigh. Log onto https://itpaystolearn.com and answer as many questions as you have time for AND get some money for doing so.
Launched during the last week of July 2001 the home page is clean and bright and needs little comment from me other than to say it is easy to find your way around. It has to be because this site is for everybody as children of 12 and under can join. Then again kids under 12 are more adept at this computer lark than us apprentice geriatrics so maybe the simplicity is for the 13 and older group. Even groups of any size can join in the fun and a group is classed as two or more members one of whom must be over 18 years of age. Signing up is as simple as giving a few personal details and selecting a password although your user name is allocated by them but only after you have read and accepted the General Membership Agreement, which are comprehensive but reasonably fair. So how does it all work? The simplest way to find out is to access the site at https://itpaystolearn.com and click on the How IPTL Works link. But in a nutshell a member can select which set of questions to answer and gain cash points for trying to answer each one and more cash points for getting a question right.
The quizzes come in varying degrees of difficulty and a variety of subjects and the more difficult the question the more cash points for a correct answer AND you can re-take a quiz so if you get an answer wrong make a note of the correct answer for when you retake the quiz. For instance; you gain 1 cash point for attempting to answer any question, 3 cash points for a correct answer in the Beginner level, 4 cash points in the Intermediate level and 5 cash points in the Advanced level. There is no limit to the number of quizzes that a member can take part in and it would appear that you can take the same quiz many times and gain points for doing so. At least it doesn’t say that you can’t. It is money for old rope although before your eyes glaze over with thoughts of Caribbean holidays and new cars you will only gain pocket money. But hey! It’s for free so don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and you can increase your knowledge as well. Yesterday I tried the Beginners general knowledge quiz of 10 questions, some of which were, what is 5 + 7? On which continent is Egypt? Which is the largest planet in our solar system? How easy can they get? The only hard question was one about some American baseball player. Can’t expect us English to know those sort of questions, but then you can re-take the quiz.
I suppose that the reader is now wondering how much is a cash point worth and the answer is it will vary from month to month as it will depend on the site’s monthly revenue (after operating costs etc.) and how many cash points have been ‘won’ by all the members. In simplistic terms if the disposable month’s revenue is say $10, 000 and all the members accrued 1, 000, 000 cash points between them for that month, each cash point would be worth 1c. $10, 000 is equal to 1, 000, 000 cents so as it is spread over 1, 000, 000 cash points each point is worth 1c. Don’t take these figures as fact as it is only just an example. Once a member has accumulated $20 worth of cash points they can get their hands on the dosh in a variety of methods so us foreigners will be OK. There are other ways of earning cash points, those being by referrals, taking part in surveys, receiving sponsor e-mails and so forth.
They have lots of additions planned for the future as outlined in the How IPTL Works page, so go and read it. The referral system is quite complicated so I won’t bother to try and explain it here but that’s only because it baffles me at the moment. Maybe one day I will be able to understand how it all works but for now I’m just accepting things. So all you quiz buffs go take a look, show the world how knowledgeable you are and earn a bit of pocket money at the same time.