Before there was Oxygen or was ivillage. This was one of the first websites, I used. ivillage consists of a vast array of channels ranging in topics rom astrology to fitness to shopping to work. Each channel has its own list of message boards and hosts live chats with experts or interesting personalities. There is also a main section with email, news, weather, member websites, contests etc.
I personally, dont enjoy the feel of the site. Its pages are a little busy. The most valuable parts of the site for me have been the message boards. Most of the boards I participated in were active and useful. Posting a request for information produced rapid responses. As with any boards, each seemed dominated by a particular philosophy-the general weight loss support group evolved into an Atkins dominated group. The gifted child group seesawed between home schooling and special schooling. The boards can be slow to load.
The longer I was online, the less I used ivillage. I have found more helpful sites for each area of interest.