Hope this mesagge reaches you.Just read about your aim "We aim to be the leading healthcare provider in North India and to provide the best in patient care" on your website after getting my mother discharged from your hospital.But I dont see u achieve this in near future with the team of highly unprofessional staff and irresponsible doctors. Have great experience to share with everyone about the way my mother got treatment at your so called world class hospital. Your staff is ruining your dream and patients hard earned money.I know any business ultimate aim is to make money , but for a noble profession like this you should not forget about the patients in the process of making money.So here my nightmare.
1.My mother(she is a gynecologist) got her knee injured at :11Am
2.Reached hospital Emergency:11:30 Am
3.Doctors visit(Mr Vinod) : after 30 Min (very fast as it was an emergency)
4.Recommended X-ray and gave painkillers and left.within 2-3 minutes.
5.X Ray report came at 12:45 AM.
6.Doctor came around 2:30 to check X-ray .( Patient waited for only 1hr 45 min )
7.Shifted to room 3:00 Clock.
Till now doctor has not discussed anything about the injury any measures that has to be taken for its recovery. And even the topic of recovery comes at later stage , till now they did not provide any support system for the knee.
8.Got the knee support system at 9:00 PM only after shouting at the staff (See how fast and efficient hospital staff is..)
9 She was provided bed pan to pass urine but she got infection from the dirty pan. But the staff acted fast and changed it only after shouting at them.
This was the first day.
On top it the nurses were very prompt in their actions, as they took minimum 15-30 minutes to reach the room after patient rings the bell.
2nd Day..
- Doctor came for visit 11:00 AM and left in almost 30 sec after saying that u need to undergo knee MRI.
no advice no discussion .
Almost 24 hours had passed after the injury and the patient was lying only on painkillers even after charging hefty amount from us. This had been acceptable had I taken my mother to some smalll hospital who charge few hundred for such cases. But this I not acceptable from IVY who promise to be one of the best hospitals in north India.
- Now starts the actual story of their hospitals world class staff and ambulances.
She had to undergo knee MRI. (The facility which is not available at IVY)"FIRST WOW FACTOR" so she was supposed to be taken to MRI centre in hospital ambulance. She was not able to move her leg after injury and even the slightest of leg movement caused her unbearable pain
So taking into account the unbearable pain at the slightest of movement while moving her to ambulance, the hospital staff told us that she will have to stand up on her one feet and we will pull her up in the ambulance” SECOND WOW FACTOR " When we resisted on this saying that the movement will cause her pain they very gently tried to explain us that that this is the only alternative and we always do like this" Again WOW". But at our continuous resistance and suggestion to get a stature which moves the patient directly into ambulance without making the patient move her injured leg, they agreed on this. Till now it was almost 45 minutes standing outside the Emergency and struggling to get my mother on to ambulance in the heat of September month at 1 Pm in Afternoon. "THIRD WOW FACTOR”
Now comes the Astt Manager facility who told us that we will move her from the wheel chair to stature. So this guy made her stand and picked her up in hands and kept her on the stature like she is 20Kg baby ” Her weight is 80 KG”. This was the the time when she cried in pain and I literally stopped myself from giving a punch on this guys face.
Had the hospital staff been a little professional they would have shifed the patient to this stature from her bed only which would have saved her from this pain.
Just few more great facilities and I will shut my mouth.
The staff did not gave medicines on time.
We handed over my mothers Blood pressure medicine to them which was skipped while giving medicines due to which her BP shot to 150/100 on that day.
Feeling ashamed even at giving you one star rating coz u dont even deserve this.
At the time of getting my mother discharged on the second day we waited for doctor for almost 3 hrs so that he can check the MRI and suggest us medicines and precutionary meausures for fast recovery. But to our amusement the staff got a call from him at 7:30 Pm that he has left for home directly from Operation theatre and we would need to come on monday (It was saturday evening) to discuss the case .. This is just awesome ....great what more can I expect after paying 25000/ bucks for 2 days treatment at this great place...
Lets us all salute to Dr Vinod (Orthopadecian) and IVY hospital for the great work they are doing for humanity.
If a hospital cannot take care of the patient who is a doctor herself, they will never provide quality services to someone who do not have knowledge about this field.
Please dont take your near and dear ones to this absolute bullshit place.