I found a way to have information at my fingertips and have a chance to win money at the same time.
Forget about those silly pay as search engines. They dont pay and they dont search very well either! What Im talking about is a search engine that awards you points for just logging on. The points build up as you navigate the site, whether it be for a search or news information, to check your lottery numbers or find out about the weather.
Im talking about IWON.com.
Lets tackle the search engine first. While many others are good, with IWON, it gives you more options for your search. Heres an example: I wanted to find out about the death of a celebrity (Dorothy Killgallen) but I was unsure of the correct spelling of her last name. I typed in: DOROTHY KILGALLON. IWON not only gave me several website links regarding her, but it showed me the correct spelling of her name. In addition to this, there were several links for news about Ms. Killgallen. Within minutes, I found the information I was seeing.
Okay, so youre going to say, So what! My search engine is just as good! I hate to differ, but I will anyway. I did try several different search engines and spent useless hours going through all their weblinks to no avail. IWON not only highlighted the category, but gave a small synopsis of what Id find once I clicked the link.
IWON keeps up-to-date track of my portfolio (yes you CAN personalize it); I can check the weather and lottery results in any state I choose. There are links for Internet shopping, e-cards, chat rooms AND games!
Ive played a game or two on this site and yes! I have actually won. While my winnings werent enough to push me into the filthy rich category, I can, at least, boast that I was overjoyed when I received a check from them in the mail.
The greatest thing about this site, IN ADDITION to all the things it offers is that the registration is FREE!!!
Give it a try! Make it your home page! Use it!
You wont be sorry!