I was thinking to book international flights from ixigo as I was having some ixigo cash to utilize for the next travel. But I went on ixigo to book the flights, I realized the price on ixigo was quite more as compared to the other websites.
They are charging more than Rs. 2500-3000 than other websites. When I started checking with them, earlier they said they will check with the concerned team and they kept on saying the same thing for some 14-15 days, and then they said the prices are being pulled from some inventory and it cant be changed.
In the whole conversation, I asked multiple questions which they were not able to answer.
- Any reason for the price difference?
Reply from ixigo: The prices depend upon the inventory received and are liable to vary among the service providers. However, we are sharing the feedback with our team concern for further improvements.
- What about your meta-search engine program? I believe prices should be less on your website with your metasearch engine program.
If not, then your metasearch engine program itself is faulty. You should stop using these fancy words. Because the dev team wrote a faulty source code that picks the highest value or adds some value to standard prices.
No reply from ixigo.
- After multiple follow up?
Update from ixigo: As per the update, the price which we are showing on the app is what we are getting from the inventory. Hence this can not be changed.
I am attaching all snapshots here for the reference. If you need to check. Checked for some other locations and dates also. Prices are difference and difference is quite huge. In some cases, its more than 8000-10000 also.