This is such a college where you get to pay more than the fixed fees in the name of fine for various aspects.
The number of faculty required per department is very less in many of the departments.
If you are trying to put your ward in bus, he is sure of having a roller coaster ride on a daily basis.
The canteen has its food been served at a very unreasonable price and products such as soft drinks are charged above the mentioned Maximum Retail Prize.
You truly dont need to open the rusted windows of the lodging, they dont have glass, and henceforth the ventilation is completely guaranteed.
The drinking water supply tank is the same tank which the securities use to wash their face, hands and so forth.
Most of the desks inside the college are in various states and can easily tear your pants.
The staff are not paid on time and hence there is a shortage of staff.
My Verdict:
If you are tying to put your child here for a better future, you have made a wrong choice.