I am fairly neutral with films reviews and this is wat I have 2 say about this boring film...
its crap, its boring, its a dissapointment! I suffered a slow deadly suffering death! Every time I blinked, they stayed like that! Below is written why...
1 boring story with very few characters. At the end, how did piya find suhaan? did he have control over the plane? was the suhaan doing his modelling in an airport? I was feeling sorry 4 salman khan all the way through, he helped him, that was thier plan to GET piya or lose her???? makes me think too much. DONT MISS THE ROPE AT THE BEGINNING IN SPACE! Bad points done, good points...
the acting wasnt good but was okay and I dont really have anything else which is good. acting was the least crappest thing.
that was like reading things written on a white piece of paper in a box, how easy is that? I cant tell u everything about jaaneman=death!DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM! if u be stupid enough to watch it u might wanna take out the mistakes!
pros-written below
cons-written below
plot-written below
best to watch with-dont watch it simple as!
genre-its not a movie!
best part-no good part!