I would prefer you not to go for this shopping site. As I buy the pair of shoes once and it was not delivered to me on time. It take more than 3 days then the actual time.
What happened when the pair of shoes was reached to me due to the delayed time. When I opened the packing. The shoes were Good . No damage at all. The product was fresh.
But the main problem was that the shoes which I got from jabong. Com was at the price of 2000. There was some certain type of discount on that shoes. There was sale 50% off.
Then I ordered the shoes at the rate of 1200. I thought it was good but when I opened the shoe. When I saw the soul of the shoes. The price there was 800. I was really dissapointed.
I felt myself like that I was cheated . I did nt returned then I thought I will never ever buy anything from this site. So I recommend you guys not to buy anything. You will be cheated.