Jackie chan is the best actor ever know and he is an hong kong actor and he is the only best action and comedy star ever know and I am a very big fan of jackie chan and he very popular in doing action comedy he is one of the action actors ever and also the second highest payed actor in the world he also got a oscar award I like his personality he is the best actor and he inspires others and he is also a philosophy he is a he is very funny actor and charming actor ever so his a best and famous ever he is hand some and his performance is movies is cool he makes very funny faces in movies makes good he not only a actor but also a good singer and director and producer and martial artist stuntman he holds the guinness world record for MOST STUNT BY A LIVING ACTOR and jackie is the number one best stuntman ever hes film entertain other and makes best comedy in actions he is the best actor ever when a was working as a actor he went many years to become a best actor in 1978 his film know as snake in eagles shadow was the where he got famous and he is a best stuntmater he had very injuries and he is the brave actor I have seen his all movies and he is best know for his drunken fist he has created it in movies and he is also holds another guiness world award for MOST CREDITS IN ONE MOVIE in CZ12 CHINESE ZODIAC he has played many roles in many movies and he also helps others he keeps the city clean and neat anything around he keeps neat and clear in also movie sets he cleans everything and he also donated many money in charity for children and he love children he gives good education and also he is the only actor daring to perform his own deadly stunts he has also got very near to dead in many movies he is very brave and daring ever and also he makes very funny and actions movies ever made and he is the best actor and he not only does chinese movies he is also very famous in hollywood he also does english movies and his are very fast and in movies he show comedy in action fights hes film are a must see and and jackie chan showed us that nothing is impossible in movies and he has also got very much hurt and his movies are very best he is the best actor ever