There was a time when family entertainers used to be the mainstay of Malayalam Cinema, a sure shot hit at the box office, mainly during the golden age of the 90s, all of it changed in the last decade with slapstick comedies and superhero movies ruling the roost. The industry is now witnessing a new wave of cinema again.
Vineeth Sreenivasan seems to have continued his fathers legacy of creating extraordinary stories of ordinary human beings in an industry which is now plagued by bland scripts and brings a breath of fresh air. Moreover the story he claims is from a real life incident that happened with one of his friend. His direction and script writing skills have matured immensely.
Gelf and Malayalis have a unique relationship, this story also revolves around such a family. A family of six, a successful father, a kind and loving mother and four kids who have been brought up in luxury. A financial crisis that hits the familyand what it goes through to recover from it forms the crux of the story.
Renji Panicker plays the title role of Jacob, an honest businessman, a great father and an ideal husband is amazing and so is Lekshmi Ramakrishnan who portrays the role of his lion hearted wife. Nivin Pauly, plays his eldest son Jerry and gets into the skin of the character ever so easily.All the other actors have essayed their roles brilliantly and is aided by s superb script from a person who is slowly making a name for himself as a master craftsman.
Kudos to Vineeth for such a brilliant movie. It is a must watch. My rating 5/5