The film start in a play school, where katrina was telling stories of jagga in front of kids.a nd some were also doing a play of the story.The real problm off jagga was that he cant tell fluently.At first he met tutifuti and tutifuti told him to speak in a now he can speak clearly.he called tutifuti day tutifuti went away from him.From childhood jagga had curiosity of everything.In high scholl he solved clock tower case.Later he knew that tutifuti was dead.That year tutifuti dont sent his gift in his birthday which was a video tape.Later jagga found that tutifuti is alive.And he started to find him with catrira.In the finding they came to know about the illegal arms business.They made a video and then uploaded it in the whole world can know it.In the film there were so many detactive stories of jagga played in front of kinds.over all the film is for every aged people.Its a quite nice film.From 6 to 60 every aged people will enjoy it.