I read the first three reviews with interest (and the last racist one with utter disgust) since I am getting ready for my maiden Jagsons flight in 2 weeks. From the reviews, what I gathered is that it is no different from any of the US carriers flying from smaller airports.
I can tell you very similar stories trying to fly out of Groton, CT in US airways, flying to Eureka in California and even Providence, RI. The aircraft selection and the service were no different and they speak more about the economies of scale (in the reverse) than about anything else. It is unreasonable to expect a small market to be serviced by an airbus.
As far as the punctuality goes, I did some research to see why this happens. Unfortunately it is an artifact of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) circulars #4 of 1996 and #5 of 2000 issued by the Director General of Aviation. All airlines wishing to fly to Kullu airport have to abide by this. This circular expressly prohibis any aircraft from flying to Kullu if clouds are reported under 12000 feet.
This along with the fact that VFR flying is the standard, makes it impossible for the airlines to maintain their schedules since cloud conditions are very unpredictable. This is the reason why a lot of changes happen in the mid-air(such as rerouting) since there have been accidents in the past where the aircraft hits the mountain wall as it descends with impaired view.
If you remember, Clintons commerce secretary died in Easter Europe in a crash that happened in similar circumstances.