The story is predictable yet we do not feel bored. The character of villain was soft seeing a female counterpart against him. Script is good.The story shows the disability of Police system to work independently. We cannot come out of the system so easily but at least star.Priyanka Chopra’s too-sophisticated unmade-up-make-up is very distracting, even in her few convincing moments. And the film goes on for far too long, even when we know how all of it will end.
There are memorable dialogues -Aapko galat misguide kiya jar raha hai - and sharp editing. But the film gets stretched. A sarpanch and goonda less wouldve kept it tighter. Yet, Jai Gangaajal packs a punch with its panorama(a Badaun-like landscape where girls are hung from trees), dilemma and performances - particularly the one byMadam Sir, who wields a lathi you will love.